As the committee, we are here to help with any Darwin Soc related queries. Do get in touch if you have any feedback, ideas or questions!
General Email Address:

Hi! I’m Will, a third year BioNatsci taking Biochemistry this year, and I will be the Secretary for the next year of the Darwin Soc committee! I’m looking forward to meeting everyone, especially hopefully through passing on advice on the course to IA and IB students.

Hi! I’m Dhruv, a third year Material Scientist and I will be the president for this year of Darwin Soc! Wow so accomplished… Anyway my plans are to make a society that priorities the education and enjoyment of its members first! I plan to host Career Events, Museum and Department Tours, LGBTQ+ Events, Board game and movie nights, Formal Swaps as well as fun things like MERCH!? Stay tuned folks, it’s getting intense this year.

Hi! My name is Ioannis, and I’ll be serving as the Darwin Society Treasurer for the 2024-2025 academic year. I’m an incoming Part II Chemistry student with an interest in theoretical chemistry and molecular simulation. Last year, I really enjoyed the vibes of the darwin soc board games night so want to help run them this year!

Hi! My name is Luke and I’m a third year chemist and one of your Events Officers. I’m excited to continue the range of exciting out-of-college events we have that range from Formal swaps to visiting the Botanical Gardens or stargazing at the Institute of Astronomy.

Hi! I’m Navaneeth, General Committee Member this year, I’m excited to get Darwin Society even more active in stimulating interest in science and bringing the NatSci community closer together. I’d love to chat about everything NatSci-related if you find me in college or the physics department!